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Teach Soap • View topic - Are you kidding me?!

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 Post subject: Are you kidding me?!
PostPosted: Mon Nov 04, 2013 9:20 pm 
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Joined: Thu Sep 12, 2013 9:05 am
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Location: Seattle, Washington
I've owned my brand new and first 3D soap mold from BB for a total of 13 hours and it's already broken. :evil: :cry: I am furious! I unmolded only my second bar of soap using this mold and it was stuck a bit more than the first one. It opened and the plastic actually melted! That's why it was sticking! I poured at 132 degrees at hottest and the plastic is destroyed! This setback is HUGE because I needed this mold to make 12 soaps not 2. I'm so furious right now I could cry. I already has 2 semi angry tweets with pictures to BB twitter and left a pretty annoyed voicemail for customer service. I don't know if I'll be able to get these soaps done in time. I'm furious because these are for my family and boyfriend who were very excited for these gifts :cry:

The Black Currant- Shipping within the US!

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 Post subject: Re: Are you kidding me?!
PostPosted: Tue Nov 05, 2013 1:04 am 
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Joined: Fri Oct 11, 2013 5:34 am
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BB seems really great with their customer service. You have every right to be angry that your project is messed up and possibly won't be done on time now, but maybe try to remember that it's not any specific person's fault at BB, mostly especially not if they have specific employees to deal with customer service who probably had no part in making or shipping that particular mold. It sounds like it was perhaps defective and if so will probably be taken care of swiftly. Sometimes customer service is misery in a chair because of irate customers taking their anger out on a person who had nothing to do with the problem and is there to try to help you fix it.

"Effective questioning brings insight which fuels curiosity which cultivates wisdom"

 Post subject: Re: Are you kidding me?!
PostPosted: Tue Nov 05, 2013 6:48 am 
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Joined: Sat Nov 21, 2009 5:45 pm
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Sorry to hear that the mold is probably now giving you a headache! :cry: I have given up on plastic molds and go with silicone. A lot of the time the first batch or three will release just fine and then after that they stick, my soaps break (little bears without legs or arms). And they are not just molds from BB! Now I look for silicone molds... a little more expensive upfront but worth it. Or I invest in a cute stamp.
Don't give up on BB's customer service.... they can be super helpful.

Sometimes A Mistake is so much fun, You just have to do it again!

 Post subject: Re: Are you kidding me?!
PostPosted: Tue Nov 05, 2013 6:49 am 
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Joined: Mon Jan 30, 2012 7:42 am
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Contacting customer service directly is usually the best thing to do. The customer service at BB is probably the best out of all soap suppliers I've ever seen. I'm sure they'll help you.

When did you plan on giving out the gifts?


 Post subject: Re: Are you kidding me?!
PostPosted: Tue Nov 05, 2013 8:18 am 
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Joined: Thu Sep 12, 2013 9:05 am
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Location: Seattle, Washington
Okay I got a call from BB support. They are just disgustingly helpful. Like they make me actually like tech support. At least for them :lol: . So 2 day air rush delivery on a mold. I'm going to treat this new mold like it's a newborn baby! Which includes watching that sucker like a hawk :?

The Black Currant- Shipping within the US!

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 Post subject: Re: Are you kidding me?!
PostPosted: Tue Nov 05, 2013 10:58 am 
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Joined: Mon Jan 14, 2008 11:14 pm
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BrambleBerry's customer service is the best! I knew they would take care of you.

Closed minds are like faulty parachutes; they refuse to open.

 Post subject: Re: Are you kidding me?!
PostPosted: Tue Nov 05, 2013 2:47 pm 
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Joined: Fri Oct 11, 2013 5:34 am
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With the fast shipping will you have time to get your soaps done? I really hope so! :)

"Effective questioning brings insight which fuels curiosity which cultivates wisdom"

 Post subject: Re: Are you kidding me?!
PostPosted: Tue Nov 05, 2013 2:50 pm 
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Joined: Fri Jan 21, 2011 4:03 pm
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try adding sodium lactate to cp soap put into plastic molds and yes, you have to baby plastic molds a lot. You are quite fortunate that your incident happened with a BB product because they are truly the BEST with customer service! Good luck getting your project done!

Remember, it's not just that we weather the storm, but how we dance in the rain.


 Post subject: Re: Are you kidding me?!
PostPosted: Tue Nov 05, 2013 4:21 pm 
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 Post subject: Re: Are you kidding me?!
PostPosted: Wed Nov 06, 2013 10:17 pm 
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Joined: Tue Dec 13, 2011 10:08 am
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Do you use a digital thermometer? Laser? I've poured soap over 160* into plastic molds and not even had a warp! 180*+ and they melt though!

Mad [soaping] Scientist

 Post subject: Re: Are you kidding me?!
PostPosted: Sat Nov 09, 2013 6:27 pm 
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