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Teach Soap • View topic - Can I use This To Make??

Teach Soap

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 Post subject: Can I use This To Make??
PostPosted: Wed Nov 05, 2008 6:38 am 

Joined: Tue Sep 30, 2008 7:51 am
Posts: 204
Location: Indiana
I have my 1 lb. goats milk base soap that I buy. Can I add honey & oatmeal to this base ? If so how much do you think I can use? (In spoons or ounces) I have Raw honey and Quaker Oatmeal. When would I add these to my soap? Should I add FOs or EOs also? If yes when and how much. I'm trying to make a recipe with what I have here at home to start out with. Any thoughts? Thanks and Hugs, Lee

Here is what my 1 lb. goats milk base says on the package:

Here is the ingredents in my Goat's Milk Soap Base that I have bought: (This is what it says on the package)

Goat's Milk Soap Base
Sulfate Free, as Gentle as can be

Real Homemade Soap: Contains sapoonfied Soybean, Sunflower, Coconut, and Palm oils, White pigment.

Instructions on Package:

Instructions for remilling: Grate, chop or shred soap as fine as you can.

Stove top Method: Place soap Shreds in sauce pan with a tight fitting lid. Add 1-2 ounces (Not sure there how much to add either, any help there? I'd hate to waste it by not doing it right, I'm sure I will though through learning) of hot water per lb. of soap.

Heat on low, stir occasionally, checking every 10 minutes, until soap is creamy. Do not boil, be patient. Let cool 10 minutes with the lid on. Add soap fragrance. (Is this when I can add my Essential Oils also if I'm not using Fragrances?)

Microwave: (Tells how to do it in the microwave) I'll be using stove top method

Crock pot: (Tells how to do it in a Crock pot) I'll be using stove top method

Prepare Molds: Spray plastic molds with vegetable spray (Is there a certian kind "name brand" spray I should use?). Spoon into mold, tap on the counter gently to remove air bubbles, and let cool completely. Pop out of mold. It's ready to use.

Adding Fragrance Oils: Add 1/2 to 1 ounce of fragrance oils or up to 1 tablespoon of essential oils per lb of soap.

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