I recently made a small batch and instead of my usual molds I poured into silicone molds with small hearts. I used no colorants and added lavender and geranium EO's. Once I poured into the mold I laid rose petals on top of each. I poured the leftover soap into a half and half container with no rose buds.
the soap came out VERY white in color, not the usual creamy soap color. It looks lovely, but as it is curing I notice the tops are a little crumbly on the hearts. The part I put in the half and half container also came out very white, but it is hardening fine. they have cured about 10 days now and I wet one and washed my hands with it and got a nice creamy lather, no irritant on my skin. Also, the scent is wonderful! I am wondering if this whiteness and crumbling could be from the temps getting too low during the pour? I usually combine my soaps around 100 degrees. Also, I wrapped them, but they didn't have the same thermal quality as my usual soaps when I do them in a log (I can feel the warmth several hours later). I also left them to set in a cooler room than I usually do, only because I didn't want to move the tray. Any thoughts?