I am fairly new to the CP soapmaking process, and having some difficulty making a good lathering and fairly moisturizing soap, I will try to increase the discount from 5 to 7 or 8 in previous recipes...
Any way this am I made a small test batch of soap with an INs of 128.3 it consisted of the following;
31% olive oil 30% palm kernel oil 19% avacodo oil 10% palm oil 10% sunflower oil
My batch was about a pound of soap, no colorant, no fragrance. I poured at a light trace, and it only got up to about 88 degrees. I unwrapped it at this point, it is very sticky, with a little ash on the top where the frezer paper wasnt. I will try it in 4 weeks if it isnt sticky or 6 if it is.... any ideas?