There are so many ways of doing soap and I'm wanting a chart to delineate curing time frames for cure. I know depending on the mold wood loaf, wood slab, milk cartons all make a difference in cure rates.

This is what I do generally but not exclusively for cp soaping with 38 % distilled water rate.
CP 110 degrees insulated in cardboard boxes wrapped in a towel
4 weeks cureCP 110 degrees molded and put into 170* oven and turned off
4 weeks cureCP non gell soap molded and put into the refer overnight
6 weeks cureCPHP cp 110 degrees in stainless pot and into a 170 degree oven for 2 hours
2 week cureDo these time frames look workable and how would one estimate if more or less time was necessary?
Thank you for your consideration!