Hey guys I've been lurking for awhile now & have just completed my 2nd batch of CP soap after recieving my first order from Bramble Berry.
I'm originally from Vancouver B.C. Canada & imagine my surprise when I realized Bramble Berry's retaile store " Otion" is in the little town of Bellingham off the I -5 freeway just before you hit the Canadian border!!!!

I travel back & forth monthly, & now I will be able to stop by the store & smell every fragrance & touch all the fun stuff ! I'll probably break the bank.
Just on the canadian side is another soaping supply store just like BB & I'll probably hit that too!
Man I'm so addicted!
This all started when my hsband & I fell in love with some handmade soaps from Canada & we were spending a fortune I decided to read up & try & make my own.
The first batch has not cured yet so we'll see
I love to cook & soap making gives me a similar satisfaction , soap like food
feeds the senses in multiple ways plus its GOOD for your body & mind
Thanks for all the great info
happy to be here & meet you all!