I just followed instructions I found on a popular soap blog

... she states if using SL to add 1 tsp ppo in several recipes ...
I will for SURE recalculate - thank you.
So ... I can assume then, it will make a HUGE difference in also un-molding those little cute molds that are roughly .5 oz in shapes of shells etc? I somehow end up with extra soap every time I make a 2# batch and instead of wasting soap I keep trying to make cute little samples or something. I guess the freezer method might work.
Now for the stupid question of the day. Would the percentage be the same for HP? I have a few FO's that will not behave for me and I was thinking of trying them in HP but prefer a smoother look like CP ...
As it is I make 3 batches at a time. 2 for me, one to go wrong. Trying to change my averages LOL This last weekend ... the only real issue was it was my first time trying SL ... and new FO's ... and the FO's disappointed me in finished product.

However .. they are purdy enough to make ME happy. Pic's later