I am not to sure how to post a pic in here, But anyway I made my first batch of soap yesterday, everything went awesome, after 24hrs. I was able to cut it and put it away for 4-6 weeks, but while I was mixing I thought I would add a little color juts a tee wee bit, but that didn't happen, I had a fly in the house from when I left the door open to mix the lye/water solution and the fly came whizzing by my head, so I went to shoo it away using my elbow and ALL MY COLOR went into the soap, I was mortified, I was like Oh! No!
Anyway FF(fast foward) The soap came out a very pretty dark cranberry color with some swirls in some parts, but I am afraid it is gonna bleed, which I hope it don't because it is really pretty.
Now when I went to take the soap out the mold, it had sweated a little, what did I do wrong on that part? After I poured it into the wooden mold I covered the top with Freezer paper to help with not getting ash, I got just a smidget, then I put my top on it and put it to bed wrapped in blankets all snuggly.
Soapbuddy I will be waiting on your Expertise