Thanks Soapbuddy for the reply! My lye water and oils are both at 90 F. I just made a batch tonight at 100F..with the rational that maybe I have been working too cool..and center stays hot, so if I do my make hotter, the whole log will be warmer, and gel to edges.. I was pouring it at med. trace (but not consistantly!). My cream is 27-35% of fats/oils (from nearby dairy co-op) I did try putting mold in fridge, even with ice cube tray underneath (!) The thing is, I was just starting to feel confident enough to start hawking (selling) my soap..(darn!) Do you think I should go back to my slab mold?( I'm really happy with the soap..and for right now, I have a lot of cream I can use)Also.. could it be my over exhuberent (sp?) stick blending? Thanks! (ps. reading your forum has really helped my soapmaking! I haven't posted before..but I was in dire need of advice, before I went crazy!)