Hi, I am trying to make cold process Xmas gift soap from family's rapeseed crop grown here in Ireland, but with little success Might you please comment where I am going wrong? I am using the following recipe:
Recipe: - 130g Caustic Soda - 330g water - 20ml (4 Teaspoons) Essential Oils or Fragrant Oil - 900g filtered but not chemically refined rapeseed oil
Pour the caustic soda into the water and stir well to ensure fully mixed & dissolved. While the mixture is cooling, I measure the oil Once both are sitting on 30-40 degrees Celsius, I pour the water mixture into the pot of oil and stir. I have been told to expect the mixture to thicken as I continue to stir it, and as it cools - but it doesn't really thicken at all.. I then add colour &fragrances, etc. Mix again. Then I begin filling the moulds and cover with a piece of cling wrap. As I understand it should start to harden after 2-4 days, but 10 days have passed and it has not gone hard.
A friend told me that I need to use palm oil or some other hydrogenated oil, but the whole point is to use Ireland grown oils! I would be very grateful!
Many thanks
Peter McCloskey Drogheda Ireland