Hi! Just chiming in, someone else will probably swoop in and help you too, I am just a newbie who didn`t want to keep you hangin`on a saturday, lol

You have a lot of different oils in there, 8 of them in total, many of them are hard oils. Perhaps scale down a bit on the different oils?
Balance is good. Some of your oils are really cleansing and you have the most of those in your recipe (lard, coconut) In adition to including palm oils. Palm oil is often used to replace tallow or lard in a recipe but you have those allready
in you recipe.
They make a hard bar of soap so you could easily skip one or two of them, or at least put them in at a much smaller ammount to reduce the cleansing that they will give, or superfat higher to counteract the cleansingprops.
And the palm kernel oil, do you need that when you allready have the palm oil, lard and coconut for hardness? Soapbuddy will correct me if I am wrong
Also, perhaps his soaps are supperfatted in a higher ammount than yours, and that he has added more castor oil for the sudsing action and moisture.
Castor is great for superfatting soap, it`s delish. Max at 25 %, although some claim no more than 10% to avoid stickyness (I have used 30%, never had any sort of stickyness at all in my soap, but it all depends on recipes, mine had a lot of coconut in it)
Also this person could use less ammount of different oils, sticking to between 3 or 5 oils to get a nice balance.
How much do you superfat? 5 %? I ran your recipe through soapcalc and ended up with 114.97 gr. lye at 5 % superfat, but the water was not as low your recipe, it was at 299.44 gr. Don`t know if you did a water redux.
If this wasn`t helpfull, or you felt I picked on your recipe, that was not my intention - my apologies! Just wanted to help you troubbleshoot.
Wish you all the best in your quest for the perfect recipe!