Thank you, Galavanting Goats for posting this question for me! Hi all, I'm Ace, the gal who made this flop of a soap
It has not turned to soap as of yet.
I'll start off answering (or trying to) some of the questions. I didn't use a stick blender to mix this because the recipe I followed said that it was best stirred by hand, and boy did I, for over an hour. It was a miserable experience to say the least......The temperatures for the oils & lye mixture were about 100* for both. What did I do with this evil conconction?????? Well, it's still stitting in the milk carton mold that I poured it into
And it still looks like an oily thick applesauce mess. This batch was made on Feb. 2 and I can take a table knife and slice right through it like it was ice cream being cut with a heated knife.
Any other ideas? Should I just toss this mixture and let it go as a learning lesson/batch?