No, they didn't get my soap this time, or my oven. They got my water heater. Ever tried cleaning up after soaping without hot water? I don't recommend it. For the past week I've been living in the 18th century with pots of hot water constantly going on the stove. For the first few days we could heat one tank of water at a time and re-start the unit, but that finally ended too. So, the new part arrived yesterday - hooray! - and Hubs installed it last night. As expected, it took a few hours accompanied by plenty of colorful language (think of the dad in "A Christmas Story") but at last we had oceans of hot, running water! Showers! Baths! Whooopeee!! And then it died again.

Back to manually re-starting it and praying we'll get to the bottom of the problem. One of these days. And no, not even the water heater gremlins shall deter the soap maker from making her appointed soaps!