I don't use much colloidal oatmeal, but I do use a fair amount of clay in my soaps. Some of them make really pretty colorants too. For your white kaolin, start with 1 teaspoon per pound of oils and see how you like it. You can go higher, but that's a good place to start. I don't like to add dry clay to oils or mixed soap batter because they always clump. Maybe it's just me. Anyone else have that happen?
Just take a couple tablespoons or so of water from the amount of water you plan to use for your lye and put it in a small cup. A plastic Dixie cup works great. Add your clay and immediately mix it well. Use your frother or mini mixer if you have one. If you just toss the clay into the water and let it sit, it'll turn into cement. Once your oils are warm, add your hydrated clay and stick blend it well with your stick blender. Then add your lye and carry on as usual.
Let us know how it works out for you!