The titanium dioxide not being well mixed is not a health concern, in general, but just a cosmetic one. Whether or not it is "sellable" depends on the person looking at it - whether it bothers them or not. TD comes in both oil and water soluble forms - so be sure of which one you have and in what it should be mixed.
The real question your post raises is this - why is a self proclaimed "newbie" even CONSIDERING selling? You should absolutely NOT be considering selling until and if your recipes are completely figured out, and you have lots and lots of batches under your belt and you know EXACTLY how your soap will look, feel, perform, etc months down the road. Will it have DOS in 6 months? Will the fragrance hold up? How does the lather feel?
Only time and experience will answer those questions. In the meantime - makes lots of small batches and enjoy your own product along the way.