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Teach Soap • View topic - Allergies

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 Post subject: Allergies
PostPosted: Wed Nov 05, 2014 4:28 pm 
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Joined: Fri Feb 14, 2014 7:46 am
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Location: Republic of Texas
I'm not what you'd call an allergy prone type of person, unless you're talking about the usual seasonal airborne pollens like ragweed. I don't even react to mosquitoes or poison ivy, so why am I having trouble with soap that has even a tiny fraction over 5% of castor oil? Without getting too graphic, shall we say it's... er... irritating to tender vegetation? :oops: I ask because I'm hoping it's just me. I've checked with everyone who has been given any of my soap and they report no trouble at all. Is there something specific to castor oil that I should beware of in other oils too? I test recipes with no colorants or fragrance first so I know it's not anything in the additive department, and my soaps are always cured for four to six weeks before use. I typically superfat between 5% or 7%. It took awhile to nail it down to the castor but I am 100% positive it's the culprit. Has anyone else had this problem before or am I just the oddball? (Don't say it. :lol: )

Doing my best to blow up my kitchen. In style!

 Post subject: Re: Allergies
PostPosted: Thu Nov 06, 2014 9:41 am 
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Joined: Sat Dec 11, 2010 7:14 am
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People can be allergic to anything. I've never heard of anyone being allergic to castor oil, but there's a first time for everything! :lol:

My sister is allergic to aloe. Do you know how many products contain aloe????? :shock: She reads the labels on EVERYTHING now since she found out the hard way that it had been added to one of her feminine hygiene products. :oops: :lol:

I know the voices in my head aren't real, but they sure have some great ideas!

 Post subject: Re: Allergies
PostPosted: Thu Nov 06, 2014 8:55 pm 
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Joined: Fri Feb 14, 2014 7:46 am
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Oh your poor sister!! :shock: Please tell her she has my wholehearted sympathy. Oh my goodness!!

I guess I'd better start working on a castor-free recipe. Anyone have any ideas for an alternative? (sigh) Just when I finally worked out a some recipes I really, really like. Story of my life. :lol:

Doing my best to blow up my kitchen. In style!

 Post subject: Re: Allergies
PostPosted: Mon Nov 10, 2014 9:45 am 
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Location: Jefferson City, TN

I know the voices in my head aren't real, but they sure have some great ideas!

 Post subject: Re: Allergies
PostPosted: Wed Nov 12, 2014 2:44 pm 
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Joined: Thu Sep 12, 2013 9:05 am
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I have a mild reaction to eating nuts of any kind. I'm not one of the unlucky ones that needs an EPI pen but once in high school this one guy was a jerk to me and rubbed a handful of chunky peanut butter down my arm at lunch which game me any icky looking rash! I was worried sweet almond oil would be just like that!

But I've made cold process soap and a scrub using it and every time I test it I look and feel fine! Not redness or rashes or extra sensitivity! Which is great but my doctor also says people "outgrow" or grow into allergies all the time and that by the time most people hit 30 you'll find out what will or won't give you a reaction! Fingers crossed that for my 30th birthday I can eat nuts without fear! :lol:

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 Post subject: Re: Allergies
PostPosted: Thu Nov 13, 2014 1:45 pm 
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Joined: Tue Dec 13, 2011 10:08 am
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I've had the same sort of issues with a soap I made with 10% castor, but my normal 5% castor bars are fine.

Mad [soaping] Scientist

 Post subject: Re: Allergies
PostPosted: Sun Nov 16, 2014 10:31 pm 
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Joined: Mon Feb 24, 2014 12:45 am
Posts: 107
I made a pure olive Castile with colloidol oatmeal in it, and my mother had a skin reaction to it. We're pretty sure it was the silica in the oatmeal since she eats oatmeal and olive oil with no allergic reactions. I love the soap, just have to remember to store it away from the shower so she doesn't accidently use it. :)

Logansama aka Belinda
Nor Cal

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