Can any of you lovely people help with some questions about partial gell? I hate partial gell even more than soda ash because it seems that once you've got it, you're stuck with it. I gell most of my batches, use the same recipes all the time, and I can cut two batches that were made within an hour of each other under the same conditions, and one will have gelled completely and look fine while the other has an ugly dark patch in the middle of it. Similarly, batches that have been in the fridge the whole time will have partial gell - I just sliced an avocado batch that has a perfect oval all through it.
Second part to the question - some of my batches have an almost translucent look to them when they're cut - it sounds pretty but it isn't. Is this partial gell, even though there isn't a defined patch of it, it's all through? They look almost damp, although they're no more damp than any other just-cut soap..... I cut a plain batch recently - no colour or fragrance - and it was mottled in the middle. I soap around 90, don't use a water discount, insulate most batches unless they are completely plain or have milk, sugar, vegetable etc in them.........
Bit frustrated. Would love some advice