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Teach Soap • View topic - colour and fragrance

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 Post subject: colour and fragrance
PostPosted: Wed Nov 05, 2014 3:02 pm 

Joined: Tue Mar 18, 2014 6:08 pm
Posts: 64
Location: Australia central qld
Not sure if this is really a new topic, but here goes. I stalk a few sites of my soapy heroes and LOVE the colours they use. I love the delicate pastels and I love the bright eye poppers. But I can't seem to achieve anything like these - if I go for bright I get coloured lather and some of my pastels just look kind of muddy. Also, can I just say that I HATE fragrances that discolour, and it seems that everything I look at has this problem. I just won't use them because I haven't found brown soap to be very popular. Problem is, I'm making cupcake soaps which I'd like to have 'sweet' scents, and EVERYTHING I want to use discolours. There is one BB supplier here in Oz and I swear I've bought everything they have, leaving out the discolouring ones. Can anyone recommend any other brands? I do love BB and the helpful information they give, but need more options......
Thanks in advance,

 Post subject: Re: colour and fragrance
PostPosted: Wed Nov 05, 2014 4:44 pm 
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Joined: Fri Feb 14, 2014 7:46 am
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Do you mean "sweet" as in "floral" or as in "foodie?" Most foodie fragrances contain vanillin so you can just about always count on them discoloring. And bless BB for going the extra mile in reporting discoloring fragrances! Nature's Garden has a good Almond Marzipan that doesn't discolor, so you might test a small amount of that one. And don't discount brown soap right off the bat. I have several friends who request it as long as there's some kind of interest like an exfoliating ingredient - colloidal oatmeal, jojoba beads, various seeds, etc. Even a little glitter or unfragranced batter in a different color swirled into the top can look lovely. There's usually some way you can dress up a brown soap, so have fun experimenting!

What colorants have you tried so far? For bright eye-popping color, I usually go to the micas. Neons work great too but I've had issues with acceleration with some of them. It's entirely possible it's just my recipes though. You might try making a small, one-pound batch and test each of your colors in individual small molds just to get the hang of how much you need to use. Small plastic yogurt containers make great molds for these kinds of tests. I like pigments (ultramarines, oxides) for pastels, and can usually mix the colors I want with the basic chrome green, yellow oxide, burgundy oxide, and ultramarine blue. Saves a bit of money to mix my own instead of purchasing ready-made tints, and I have fun with it too. :D

Doing my best to blow up my kitchen. In style!

 Post subject: Re: colour and fragrance
PostPosted: Wed Nov 05, 2014 8:32 pm 
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Joined: Thu Feb 13, 2014 2:04 pm
Posts: 451
Have you tried a vanilla-color stabilizer with the discoloring fragrances? Like JennyBee said, it's the vanillin in these foodie fragrances that cause the discoloration, and vanilla-color stabilizer might help some.

Olivia :)

 Post subject: Re: colour and fragrance
PostPosted: Thu Nov 06, 2014 1:43 am 

Joined: Tue Mar 18, 2014 6:08 pm
Posts: 64
Location: Australia central qld
Thanks to both of you for your suggestions :). I was going for foodie-type sweet, mostly the fruity sweet ones - I was surprised that most of them discolour. I have used some of them and either gone with the end result or put in an unfragranced swirl. Incidentally, I didn't know jojoba beads were an exfoliant, I use them as sprinkles on the top! I've got a collection of colours - micas, oxides, neons - but haven't tried blending any. I'll have to experiment a bit. I haven't tried vanilla stabiliser either but I'll try anything. Thanks for your help!

 Post subject: Re: colour and fragrance
PostPosted: Thu Nov 06, 2014 9:44 am 

Joined: Thu May 30, 2013 9:35 am
Posts: 277
BB's Black Raspberry Vanilla is to die for, and it only discolors slightly - kind of a yellowish color, vs a brown color. Easy to cover up.

On BB's Help page, they have a list of "water white" fragrances that don't discolor.

http://www.soapqueen.com/bath-and-body- ... ance-oils/

 Post subject: Re: colour and fragrance
PostPosted: Thu Nov 06, 2014 9:05 pm 
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The small jojoba beads can be quite scrubby, but don't gel your soap or they'll just melt. I think the melting point is 140, so I soap pretty cool and pop those loaves straight into the freezer.

There are any number of fragrance ingredients that can discolor soap, but vanillin is the biggie. I've gotten to where I add a little TD to most batches straight away just to be sure I overcome any possible discoloration. Fool me once, right? I've even had fragrances perform beautifully with one recipe but discolor with a different one. Go figure. I'm not entirely sure than the vanilla stabilizer is effective or permanent in cold process though, so we need an expert opinion on that question. Uh... Irena? We're calling! :lol:

Doing my best to blow up my kitchen. In style!

 Post subject: Re: colour and fragrance
PostPosted: Fri Nov 07, 2014 9:31 am 
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Joined: Mon Jan 14, 2008 11:14 pm
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You can use a vanilla stabilizer for those fragrances that discolor, but over time the soap will still discolor. Fragrance with 2% or more of vanilla content will always discolor.

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 Post subject: Re: colour and fragrance
PostPosted: Fri Nov 07, 2014 5:02 pm 
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Joined: Fri Feb 14, 2014 7:46 am
Posts: 139
Location: Republic of Texas
Thanks for responding so quickly Irena. I knew we could count on you! :D In general, how long does a stabilizer last in CP? Seems like I read a post awhile back that you might get 6 months or so out of it, but I'm getting to where I don't always trust my memory. Darned Senioritis anyway...

Doing my best to blow up my kitchen. In style!

 Post subject: Re: colour and fragrance
PostPosted: Fri Nov 07, 2014 7:48 pm 
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