I am new to soap making (as in, still trying to decide what my first batch will be--feel free to offer suggestions) and would like some advice. I have an almost full container of Spartan butter flavored shortening that I will not cook with, has anyone used this brand for soap? I'm assuming it's basically the same as Crisco's butter flavor, Soapcalc shows old Crisco, new Crisco w/palm, and Walmart's GV brand but it doesn't say anything about butter flavor. If I were to write to the company, exactly what information do I need from them? I don't plan to use it for my first batch and I don't want to throw it out if it will work for soap--even if it's just for doing laundry--so I appreciate any advice you may have to give.
Also, I am intrigued by the idea of crock pot soap and while I was poking around online I stumbled across a post where someone did a little informal list of batch size to crock size--just a general idea, no solid rules, but of course I did not bookmark it and no matter how I word my search, I cannot seem to find it again. If anyone out there knows where it might be I'd appreciate being pointed in the right direction.