gorgeous soap. Amazing for a first batch, that's for sure! I'd be dancing around if I were you.
When trace speeds up on me dramatically, it almost always happens when I add fragrance or essential oils at light trace. So my first thought would be the citrus essential oils.
What was the formula that you used? Some base oils will speed trace, so some recipes are particularly prone to fast trace. The amount of water used in the formula is important for speed to trace also. The most common recipe I use has a couple of fast trace oils in it, so I always have to move quickly. You can actually choose oils which will slow down trace like olive or canola oil, if this is the problem.
How much did you use your stick blender? Once I reach very light trace, I stop stick blending and hand mix from then on. I overused my stick blender a lot early on.
What temperatures did you mix the oils & lye at? The temperature you mix at will affect how quickly it comes to trace. The hotter, the faster. Generally you want to mix between 110-130 degrees F, with the oils & lye being within 10 degrees of each other.
Additives, including your essential oil, your tea, your orange peel, may all have affected how quickly it traced. Some folks say that citrus essential oils accelerates trace, though more commonly, people point at spice and floral essential oils as speeding trace.
Awesome job!