Q: What type of base oil or cream would be good for the under eye area and can you use essential oils that close to your eyes?

A: I use straight Tamanu Oil mixed with Jojoba Oil on my eyes; it’s awesome! Of course, it’s expensive but you really don’t use much. You can use Lavender Essential Oil, Carrot Seed Essential Oil and German Chamomile Essential Oil in very small concentrations but I would stay away from most others. They will sting and you would need to wash and rinse the eye out if you got it in your eye, as you would with any product you get in your eye, but will not harm the eyes if used at .5% concentrations or less. The Carrot Seed EO and the Lavender EO are what I’m currently using in my eye concentrations. I use the German Chamomile on my anti-redness (aka blemish) formula.

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