Q: I used the melt and pour method but the soap is stuck in the molds and I cannot get it out! What did I do wrong? Help!

A: I’m not sure how long you’ve left your soap in the molds, but it takes about 12 hours until the soap is really ready to release. Many times, it’s hard but is still sticky and cannot be released very easily. Remember, it’s cheaper to let the soap sit in the mold than it is to break the mold by wrenching it!

If it’s been a couple of days and you still can’t get the soap out, put the soap and the mold in the freezer for fifteen minutes. I don’t normally use the freezer because getting the soap very cold can contribute to glycerin dew (similar to the condensation that forms on a glass just taken from the fridge) and also makes the plastic mold more brittle. However, by getting the soap cold, it will slightly shrink the soap and it may help to get the soap out of the mold.

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