Q: Do you have any tips for working with problem fragrance oils in cold-process soap?

A: Here are a couple of things we do:

(1) I take one ounce (basically equal amounts of fragrance oil to fixed oil) liquid oil OUT of my main recipe and heat it up to 100 degrees. Then, I add my fragrance into this oil. This simply dilutes the fragrance oil’s initial “Hey! I’m so strong that I’m going to just throw your batch into a tailspin!” power.

(2) I add the oil/fragrance mixture at thin, thin trace. Rather than adding the fragrance at a thick trace, I add it at the first sign of thin trace. Do not mistake false trace for thin trace; simply add the fragrance/oil sooner than usual.

(3) I always hand stir the fragrance/oil mixture in with a fork/ladle and never, ever use a hand blender for problem oils.

(4) Raise your temperatures to about 110 to 115 degrees. This will help to keep your mixture more liquid than at a lower temperature.

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