Pouring Layered Soap

layered melt and pour soap tutorial

Layered melt and pour soap

Pouring Layered Soap

1. Prepare your soap according to the Basic Melt and Pour Instructions.

2. Pour your first layer of soap. Wait approximately 15 minutes until a skin has formed on the soap. Optional Step: Score the first soap layer with a fork in several directions. If your first layer is clear, the score marks will show. The scoring is not necessary but it often helps to adhere the layers.

layered melt and pour soap

Pour your first layer

melt and pour layered soap tutorial

Score surface with a fork

3. Spray your first layer with isopropyl (rubbing) alcohol to break up any dirt or oil clumps.

4. Pour your second layer of soap slowly to make sure the second layer does not puncture through first layer.

layered melt and pour soap tutorial

Pour second layer, spritz with alcohol

5. Spritz with alcohol and wait for soap to harden fully.